Reflection and Link to Induction Project

Reflection and Link to Induction Project

For ease in understanding the below reflection, refer to the link here that will take you to the corresponding Instagram account about Beauty In Coventry, which is my groups Induction Project.

My group and I decided to create an Instagram on Beauty in Coventry. Instagram is huge social media platform, currently used by 500 million monthly active users. It is a platform that allows people to post beautiful photos – courtesy of their many filters – even when the photo itself may be lacking in good quality.  This is why it is an ideal place to present beauty in Coventry, as Instagram itself is home to aesthetically pleasing photos of any kind. It is also used frequently by teenagers and young adults, meaning a topic such as Beauty in Coventry which is largely aimed at University students arriving in Coventry, would fit in naturally here.

A feature I could have explored is the difference between Coventry and my home city Bristol. I live near a duck pond and I’m surrounded by houses with gardens. Where I’m staying now, I’m surrounded by flats and a lack of gardens and ponds. This meant that when looking for beauty in Coventry I had to look further and explore more, which in turn is a great way to learn more about a city.

I chose to take photos of wildlife and scenery. They’re both associated with beauty thus it’s a fairly obvious aspect to include. Instead I could have thought outside the box and collected photos on more abstract beautiful features. I could’ve looked at people instead because Coventry is beautifully diverse. It also would have set a good example for beauty because by posting photos of a range of people it shows that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
The common saying ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ could’ve also been a focus and I could have taken the grey aspects of Coventry and made them beautiful. The beauty could derive from accompanying text about the advance in technology or perhaps the beauty could come from the buildings history. There were many more paths I could have taken the topic down and I know if I were to redo this project I would expand to more than what conventional beauty is.

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