2 Week Placement Information

2 Week Placement Information

Placement Information

Date: 8th January – 19th January

Company Name: AXA UK

Department: Marketing

The plan for week 1 (8th – 12th):

For this week I will be working with the Insight Team. The aim is to research the project brief and present my findings to the team on the 12th.

On the 8th, 9th and 10th I will remain at Bristol. On the 8th and 10th I will be going into the Bristol Office to meet the Insight team and work there. On the Tuesday I will be working from home as the person I am reporting to will be travelling to another location for the day.

On the 11th I will be travelling down to Tunbridge-Wells. Once I arrive I will meet with Martin and meet the rest of the Insight team. Then on the 12th I will present my findings and then head home.

The Plan for week 2 (15th-19th):

This week will be spent with the Brand Team in London I will be continuing my previous project, but looking at ways a brand campaign could be constructed. I will also be meeting with the rest of the team to look at what a brand campaign is, I will be looking at how the brand is portrayed on social media and I will get the opportunity to spend an afternoon with Havas Media (an advertising agency in London)

What do I hope to gain?

During this work experience, I hope to gain an understanding of how marketing teams work inside a company. By allowing me to complete my own mini project while here will let me learn key research skills, but also how to present ideas to a professional audience. I will get the opportunity to feel like a part of the team.

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