Network Map

Network Map

To succeed in the Media Industry I need to develop connections. The more I utilise the connections I already have, the more I can branch out and meet new people.

I only know one family member who has connections to the marketing department in the company she works for, but this connection allowed me to gain work experience and make more connections.

By emailing companies about work experience I managed to also collect some emails for people who may be able to assist with future work experience placements.

Then there’s also the connections I have made through University. Lecturers are happy to help and while the people from other courses aren’t looking for similar careers to me, they also want to work in the Creative Industry. They could end up working for companies where I could get a job in the future. This also works for people from other Universities. They are presented with different opportunities and can inform me of what opportunities may be available in the cities they study in.

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