Professional Experience Plan

Professional Experience Plan

Preparing for a future job is a difficult task. It’s made more difficult when you don’t know the specifics of what you want to do. I chose Marketing and Advertising because it interests me, but it is a huge industry with many options. I don’t know what specific area interests me the most and I don’t know if I have the skills to succeed yet.


That’s why I need to prepare. I must start with the build-up steps. I should have a creative CV, an engaging cover letter and a list of my transferable skills. These are the first elements an employer see’s and you need to capture their attention. I need to show them who I am and persuade them to give me a chance. This chance usually comes in the form of a glance. I need to stand out. This isn’t an easy task. I need to be willing to take risks and start approaching new opportunities. I’ve learnt that you won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t take a few chances, after all eventually at least one chance might be successful.


What I need to do to develop myself and to interest employers is become more experienced in the Marketing industry. I will finish University with an excellent degree but to truly shine I need the experience. I need to show employers I know what I’m talking about when I speak about Marketing. That I haven’t just drawn a piece a paper from a hat and accepted that the Marketing industry will do. I have to show passion and knowledge. I need the experience.


To start with, I need to see what the environment around Marketing is like. I need to see how a team functions, what their responsibilities are, etc. I just need a feel for the atmosphere. This will be the first indicator of whether this industry is for me.


That’s why my first step is going on a two-week work experience placement. I will be joining the Marketing department in AXA UK for two weeks, where I will be spending time with their Insight and Brand teams. This will allow me to see how Marketing departments operate together, and see how each team contributes. I also get to experience travelling on my own, as I will be located in Bristol, Tunbridge-Wells and London throughout the experience. I will be able to develop my confidence and independence while I am travelling between locations.


The 2-week placement will be my taster for the industry. Hopefully after this experience I will know more about the industry and will start being able to see my place in it. I will hopefully start to learn about the skills I need to succeed.


The next step is either huge or small. I am aiming to take a placement year. I want to experience working in the Marketing industry for a full year. Not only does this provide me the experience needed to get a job in the industry after I graduate, but it also will allow me to experience the industry first hand. While a year seems long, and there is fear that I won’t enjoy it, it will ultimately be a truly life changing experience. It will be my first full time job and hopefully it will be in an industry I enjoy working in. I’m hoping that I will be able to finally apply my organisational and team-working skills to an official work based environment. I am applying for different Marketing opportunities within different job sectors and I hope that one of these is successful. The placement year is a risk, but one that I must take to further my own development. I need to be prepared for the future, and I need to be willing to learn. A placement year is a big step but if I stick the landing, I will end up with a wonderful opportunity under my belt.


If I am unsuccessful in locating a placement, then my next step is to find more two-week placement opportunities. Since I have one planned in the Marketing department for an insurance company, I’d like to expand to different job sectors. Perhaps in the summer I could go work with an Advertising or Marketing agency for two weeks to see how they differ. Agencies work with clients from everywhere so it would be interesting to see how they handle it. It may also be beneficial for me to get work experience within a Marketing department for a retail brand. Product Marketing is extremely different to insurance Marketing, so I believe it would be interesting. I could also compare the two afterwards and decide which industry I preferred working in, or at least I’d be able to identify the differences between the two.


This is my rough plan for the next year or two. I’m hoping that with the upcoming work experience and future opportunities I will be able to gain the professional experience needed to be successful in the Marketing and Advertising industry.

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