182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 3

182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 3

Reflection on ‘Discourse Analysis’ by Rosland Gill. Discourse Analysis is a research method with benefits and drawbacks. It is a form of ‘interpretation, warranted by detailed argument and attention to the material being studied’ (Gill, 2000: 188). It is a long process of looking at transcripts and understanding them. Due to its close analysis, it means it is a very reliable source of research. Unfortunately, it is a time consuming process, especially when transcripts aren’t collected through secondary research and…

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182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 2

182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 2

Reflection on ‘What is Ethnography?’ by Hammersley and Atkinson Ethnography according to Hammersley and Atkinson “involves the researcher participating overtly or covertly, in people’s daily lives for an extended period of time” (1995: 3). This informs me that ethnography is a method of observatory research where the researcher can alter how much participation they will have within their chosen study field. By preforming this research covertly, the information collected should be more accurate. Research is still interpreted differently by everyone,…

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182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 1

182MC Research Diary – Reading for Week 1

Reflection on ‘What is Research’ by Arthur Berger. In this reading, Arthur Berger talks about what research is and breaks it down. His opening is all about how people do research every day without realising it, even if it is something as simple as looking a recipe up online. What Berger wanted to clarify was that the difference between every day research and scholarly research is not solely “about data and numbers and statistics” (2014: 13). These factors are important…

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My Social Media Presence

My Social Media Presence

Nowadays, it’s common for people to participate on one social media platform as a minimum. There are numerous reasons for wanting to become a part of one or multiple social media sites, such as the desire to keep in touch with friends or for following the latest news of your favourite celebrity. I for one think social media is a good thing. There are issues, one of the biggest issue presently being cyber bullying. People reveal new personalities online because…

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Reflection and Link to Induction Project

Reflection and Link to Induction Project

For ease in understanding the below reflection, refer to the link here that will take you to the corresponding Instagram account about Beauty In Coventry, which is my groups Induction Project. http://www.instagram.com/beautyincoventry My group and I decided to create an Instagram on Beauty in Coventry. Instagram is huge social media platform, currently used by 500 million monthly active users. It is a platform that allows people to post beautiful photos – courtesy of their many filters – even when the…

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A letter to self

A letter to self

Below are two letters to myself. The first one addresses my future self and explains what I want to achieve in the next year. The second letter addresses my past self and reflects on my weaknesses and achievements. These are both for my media assignment.  Dear Future self, This reminds me of writing a new year resolutions list, except this is in letter form and I’m explaining myself. I’m sure I’ll laugh in the future when I re-read this and look at…

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Cabinet of Curiosities Reflection

Cabinet of Curiosities Reflection

My cabinet of curiosities is a collection of artifacts that I like and/or I’m inspired by. I wanted this collection to be special and to provide people with the same sense of wonder I feel when perceiving these media artifacts. There is a large number of books and films presented inside the cabinet because of the huge impact they have had on me but also on society. John Locke’s Blank slate theory highlights how our surroundings effect people rather than…

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Cabinet of Curiosities

Cabinet of Curiosities

Hello and welcome to my first blog post. This first post is dedicated to my Cabinet of Curiosities. This cabinet focuses on the Media and artifacts that I love or am inspired by. It features films, books, phones, social media and more. For those interested, a short description is attached to each photo for a brief explanation.  The next post will reflect on this project and provide further explanation for my choices when I created this "Cabinet".