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Category: 201MAPA

LinkedIn and Social Media Masterclass

LinkedIn and Social Media Masterclass

An important way to develop my network is to be on LinkedIn. This is a great social networking site that focuses specifically on people finding employment. It’s also useful for employers to find out information about you in a quick manner. In term 1 of my second year of University, I went to a talk called LinkedIn and Social Media Masterclass. I was still fairly new to LinkedIn at this point and decided that this talk should hopefully provide me…

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Careers in the Creative Industry – Guess Speaker Event

Careers in the Creative Industry – Guess Speaker Event

The Univeristy hosted a Q&A session with four people from different creative industries. Three of these speakers were important for me to hear from. They were: Steve Stacks – Creative Producer Mark Wrily – Head of Design for a sports company Jason Fox – Professional DJ who helped with JJ’s and runs event for CUSU (such as the Summer Ball) Each of the four people who were present at this talk had different stories to tell, and while none of…

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The National Graduate Recruitment Exhibition

The National Graduate Recruitment Exhibition

The National Graduate Recruitment Exhibition One exhibition that was recommended to go to was this one. It’s tailored towards graduates or students who will be graduating in 2018, but it’s extremely useful to go anyway. Before I went to the exhibition I researched the companies attending and the talks occurring. I managed to create a rough plan from this of who I wanted to visit and when. I wasn’t sure how much time I’d have free during the event so…

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Cover Letters

Cover Letters

Most organisations appreciate being sent cover letters alongside CV’s in order to see your written language capabilities and to learn more about you. Personality, I think cover letters act as mini written interviews. Every cover letter should explain why you are interested in the role you are applying for, why you want to work for this company, what skills you can bring to the team, what do you want to gain from working there, etc. I’m certain I have heard…

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Placement Year

Placement Year

An opportunity offered to me at Coventry University is the option to take a year out and complete a placement year. Placement years are wonderful opportunities to understand how an industry works. I can learn what responsibilities I would have and I can gain the skills I need to succeed in the industry. Below I have listed the different placements I have applied for and why. Warner Bros: TV Franchise Marketing Placement, Film Marketing Placement (European Theatrical) and Digital Marketing…

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2 Week Placement Information

2 Week Placement Information

Placement Information Date: 8th January – 19th January Company Name: AXA UK Department: Marketing The plan for week 1 (8th – 12th): For this week I will be working with the Insight Team. The aim is to research the project brief and present my findings to the team on the 12th. On the 8th, 9th and 10th I will remain at Bristol. On the 8th and 10th I will be going into the Bristol Office to meet the Insight team…

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Employer Exchanges

Employer Exchanges

Employer Exchanges   Documented here are the exchanges I had with Rosie Attell, Martin Bellinghama and Megan Morris discussing my two-week work experience with AXA UK. For privacy the emails have been cut out of the following screenshots to support my emails.   Deciding on a team The first thing I inquired about was what teams were a part of the marketing team. Once I received a reply I was able to decide which team I thought best suited my…

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Network Map

Network Map

To succeed in the Media Industry I need to develop connections. The more I utilise the connections I already have, the more I can branch out and meet new people. I only know one family member who has connections to the marketing department in the company she works for, but this connection allowed me to gain work experience and make more connections. By emailing companies about work experience I managed to also collect some emails for people who may be…

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Skills Audit

Skills Audit

Here is my skills audit. There is a graph containing a list of different skills with a rating for how competent I believe I am with them. Below that are two more tables, containing 5 strengths and 5 weakness. For the strengths I have provided examples as to why I believe these are my strong points. My weaknesses are more like areas to improve. I have written about why I believe they are a weakness and what I will do…

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Professional Experience Plan

Professional Experience Plan

Preparing for a future job is a difficult task. It’s made more difficult when you don’t know the specifics of what you want to do. I chose Marketing and Advertising because it interests me, but it is a huge industry with many options. I don’t know what specific area interests me the most and I don’t know if I have the skills to succeed yet.   That’s why I need to prepare. I must start with the build-up steps. I…

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