184MC – Something I joined this year

184MC – Something I joined this year

This year I joined a society called Book Club. Joining societies is a task a large majority of students will do in order to be more social, so it may not seem like a stand out activity. However, personally I believe that joining this society played an important part in developing me as a person. After all, I did run for president and got the position for the next academic year. 
Looking back at the first day I walked into the society and where I am now, it shows a huge development. I used to be nervous of walking into a room full of people alone, with the knowledge people might be there with their friends. This fear has prevented me from doing many things in the past, but I was determined to not let that stop me from having fun. That’s why I made it a goal to come to every meeting and social, whether I knew who I was going with or not. This has now made it easier for me to be social in different situations and while the nervousness is still there slightly, it’s something I know I can overcome each time it arrives. It boosted my confidence more than I could have imagined. I can happily talk to people I don’t know very well without feeling worried and I must give this vibe off to the people around me. By being voted in as next year’s president, I’ve been given the confidence to be a leader and to learn how to make a society work and function successfully.

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