Cover Letters

Cover Letters

Most organisations appreciate being sent cover letters alongside CV’s in order to see your written language capabilities and to learn more about you.

Personality, I think cover letters act as mini written interviews. Every cover letter should explain why you are interested in the role you are applying for, why you want to work for this company, what skills you can bring to the team, what do you want to gain from working there, etc. I’m certain I have heard all of these questions asked at multiple interviews for jobs I have been to. Of course you don’t want to weigh down a cover letter, after all an employer may only have a certain amount of time to read what you’ve had wrote. It’s more about summarising all the key information in an interesting way to encourage the employers to want to know more about you. I’d get the opportunity to expand even more during the interview stage.

Below I have screenshot the cover letter I used for my Panasonic Year Placement application:

I have also screenshot my application to an Advertising and Marketing agency called Digirank to see if they could offer me a two week placement. Unfortunately, they only recently got back to me and said they are unable to offer placements until March.

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